March 1, 2025
- Updated CMS software and map components for compatibility with recent Hostgator server upgrades.
August 18, 2024
- Updated CMS software and map components for compatibility with recent Hostgator server upgrades.
June 30, 2022
- Updated map components for compatibility with recent Hostgator server upgrades.
- Updated map overlay data to latest available on NJGIN.
March 15, 2017
- Removed obsolete map layers
- MapQuest Aerial - no longer available
- NJ County Outlines
- Wharton Natural Areas
- Added New Map Layers
- USGS Topo - 24K (Available Zoom Levels 13 - 18)
- ESRI World Imagery (Available Zoom Levels 13 - 18)
- Added Zoom Level Indicator
June 15 & June 22, 2015
A few updates where made to the NJ Open space map on this site. Most where tweaks to clean up some minor zoom issues. The notable changes were:
- Increased the size of the GPX file that can be loaded on the map to 4 MB. This should allow you to load caches covering a broader region the size of the Wharton State Forest.
- The zoom level was limited to prevent the map to zooming in beyond the available map tiles when loading a single cache.
- A layer was added to represent the Natural Areas in the Wharton State Forest that will be closed to caching.
- The pesky disclaimer pop-up has been removed. This information is contained in the ABOUT tab below the map.
- The pop-up which appears when clicking a geocache's icon now includes a link to the listing for that cache.
As with all features of the map, feedback is always appreciated.