
March 1, 2025

  1. Updated CMS software and map components for compatibility with recent Hostgator server upgrades.

August 18, 2024

  1. Updated CMS software and map components for compatibility with recent Hostgator server upgrades.
 June 30, 2022
  1. Updated map components for compatibility with recent Hostgator server upgrades.
  2. Updated map overlay data to latest available on NJGIN.
March 15, 2017
  1. Removed obsolete map layers
    • MapQuest Aerial - no longer available
    • NJ County Outlines
    • Wharton Natural Areas
  2. Added New Map Layers
    • USGS Topo - 24K (Available Zoom Levels 13 - 18)
    • ESRI World Imagery (Available Zoom Levels 13 - 18)
  3. Added Zoom Level Indicator
June 15  & June 22, 2015

A few updates where made to the NJ Open space map on this site.  Most where tweaks to clean up some minor zoom issues. The notable changes were:

  1. Increased the size of the GPX file that can be loaded on the map to 4 MB.  This should allow you to load caches covering a broader region the size of the Wharton State Forest. 
  2. The zoom level was limited to prevent the map to zooming in beyond the available map tiles when loading a single cache.
  3. A layer was added to represent the Natural Areas in the Wharton State Forest that will be closed to caching.
  4. The pesky disclaimer pop-up has been removed.  This information is contained in the ABOUT tab below the map.
  5. The pop-up which appears when clicking a geocache's icon now includes a link to the geocache.com listing for that cache.

As with all features of the map, feedback is always appreciated.