Welcome to Cache 42 !
Cache42 is about caching and answers, though not necessarily the ultimate answers.
The site is intended to information to cope with the geocache placement policy that applies to state owned open space land in New Jersey. There is an interactive map showing where the areas that are subject to the state's geocaching permit policy. This map has been recently updated with the latest available data on state park, wildlife management areas and other recreational areas. This data is from 2021.
- Links to the new geocaching policy and forms
- Links to data detailing the state lands that the policy applies to
- An interactive map to allow plotting geocache locations and determine if they are on or near state owned land subject to the state geocaching policy
- Other miscellaneous and useful information
This site is run by Frodo_Underhill. If you need to get in touch, please send a note through the Geocaching.com mail or messaging systems.